I admit it's hard to get excited about fudge. It's usually associated with seaside holiday treats, or something your nan keeps in the car for long road journeys. I have quite a specific memory of fudge; every other week my mum would take me to the Friday market and we'd buy a pack from the Women's instuitute cake stall. It was handmade vanilla fudge, made by a lady called Mary, was sickly sweet and the lasting memory I have of it is a gritty sugar finish that was always that little too sickly.
Then, a few years ago I visited York on a weekend break with friends, and we stumbled over what I believe still is, the quaintest, most lovely shop I have ever visited: Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen - link to the website here. The fudge kitchen handmakes it's fudge using a recipe that dates back to 1830, they have a range of wonderful flavours, and FYI if ever visiting they are more than happy for you to taste test them!
Now imagine my utter joy this morning when the postman dropped off a package from Lee, creator of the excellent chocolate review blog, link here, containing a full sized slab of rich chocolate and orange fudge.
And after my housemates getting hold of it...
Now, just to clarify I only had a very small amount myself! This stuff is seriously sweet a little goes a long way, but living with three guys they lobbed off huge chunks, and are now sitting on our sofa feeling rather full.
So let's get down to the best bit, taste test time.
According to the fudge kitchen website...
"when you bite into the outer crust, you’ll experience a mouth-watering soft chocolate fudge centre, with a fruity orange taste to savour."
And according to me...
The first thing you notice is the texture; it's like cutting through butter. As soon as it rests on your tounge a wave of fresh orange passes over your taste buds, then quickly followed by the dark chocolate, as the two meet they envelop into a pure taste sensation.
This is unlike any other fudge you will have tasted. It's wonderful smooth and creamy, and there is no artifical aftertaste or gritty sugary sensation. The high quality ingredients and handmade, loving process shines through in the flavour. As soon as it hits your tongue you are powerless to let it take over; you don't talk, don't chew, or think of anything else. Then, once it's gone you are left with a feeling of pure, well, 'wow'.
I would like to thank Lee for letting me review this (still can't believe he sent me a whole slab!) and if you are like me, a chocoholic, then do check out his chocolate review blog. He clearly has a passion for the subject and an excellent palette.
On a slightly ironic sidenote, I'm going to be a late started to the lovely Cat's weight loss challenge. I would like this year to finally be the time I slip back into my size 10 jeans (which after having a very odd eating pattern during these exams, I am very close to doing so!) and I also think it's about time I started getting fit and healthy, and this seems like a great way to do so. Why do I mention this here? Well I'm actually a very keen cook, so plan on posting some recipes, food inspiration and perhaps the odd cooking video in the ear future.
On that note I must get off and continue with revision. Leave me a comment telling me what you thought of my reiew, and Lee's blog. Have you tried anything from the fudge kitchen before?
On that note I must get off and continue with revision. Leave me a comment telling me what you thought of my reiew, and Lee's blog. Have you tried anything from the fudge kitchen before?
P.S I'm really very sorry if I have disrupted anyones diet plans!